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GlobalProtect VPN stuck on connecting when using Catalina 

Redirection Notice
This page should redirect to GlobalProtect agent stuck at connecting stage on macOS.

There are occasional occurrences of GlobalProtect getting a "stuck on connecting" error when using Catalina.


Enable Palo Alto Networks as a trusted developer.

From your Mac:

  1. Launch System Preferences.
  2. Open the Security & Privacy preferences and then select General.
  3. Click the lock icon on the bottom left of the window to make changes and modify preferences.
  4. When prompted, enter your Mac User Name and Password and then Unlock the preferences.
  5. Click "Allow" next to the message "System software from developer 'Palo Alto Networks' was blocked from loading."

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 15, 2022

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