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MIT Sites (CampusPress) - Adding Publications to your Site

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Creating and Displaying Publications in CampusPress with the Publications Manager plugin

The Publications Manager plugin allows you to both capture and display metadata about the pages/publications on your site. The plugin gives you the ability to tag, categorize and catalog publications so that they are more accessible to you and your site visitors. Publications can be made accessible to visitors with drop-down, custom filtered lists of publications that you can add to your web pages.

  • Publication Tags help people find your publications. When people search for your publications on your website, the publications that have the tags that they are searching for will be displayed.
  • Publication Type organizes your publications. For example, you could create a separate category for each type of publication that you create.
  • Publication Year keeps track of your publications. This can be helpful if you need to reference a specific publication or if you are trying to track your publication output over time.

Using the Publications Manager plugin in CampusPress:

  1. Activate Publications Manager Plugin by going to Plugins > Add New
  2. In the search bar, type “Publications Manager” and click Search
  3. Next to the Publications Manager plugin, click the Activate button.
  4. To create a new publication, go to Publications > Add New
  5. In the Publication Title field, enter the title of your publication. There are many additional options for Publication information, including:

    • Publication Description: a brief description of your publication.
    • Publication Author: the name of the author of your publication.
    • Publication Tags: keywords that you would like to associate with your publication.
    • Publication Type: select the type of publication that you are creating. There are a variety of publication types to choose from, such as book, thesis, conference paper, and presentation.
    • Publication Year: the year that your publication was published.
    • Featured image: set the Featured Image for your publication.

  6. Once you have filled out all of the information for your publication, click the Publish button.

To Display Publications:

Note that the instructions on the CampusPress Knowledgebase for displaying Publications are outdated. The following should work in the newer WordPess environment.

  1. Create a new page by going to Pages > Add New, or edit an already existing page.
  2. Using the block editor, add a Shortcode block.
  3. Insert the shortcode:
  4. Publish your page.
  5. You should now see a widget with a list of publications and filtering options on your page.

See Also

Note that the instructions on the CampusPress Knowledgebase for displaying Publications are outdated. The following should work in the newer WordPess environment.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 11, 2024

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