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MIT Sites (CampusPress) - Creating forms in CampusPress

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CampusPress provides a convenient easy-to-use no-code form plugin called Formidable Forms for creation of simple forms. Instructions here are for using Formidable Forms and not for custom HTML forms.

Note: Formidable Forms cannot be used for integration with the Cybersource e-commerce service, for that integration you will need to manually create an HTML form.

Using the Formidable Forms Plugin to Create Forms in Campus Press

  1. Activate Formidable Forms by going to Plugins > Add New
  2. In the search bar, type “Formidable Forms” and click Search
  3. Next to the Formidable Forms plugin, click the Activate button.
  4. Using the new drop-down Formidable menu listing, select Forms.
  5. Click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  6.  In the Form Name field, enter a name for your form.
    _Result:_ Once you have entered a name and created the form, you will be able to add fields to your form. 
  7. Under the Build tab in the configuration page, click or drag a field from the sidebar to add it to your form . There are a variety of field types to choose from, such as text field, email field, checkbox, radio button, and dropdown.
  8. Click in the field and use the Field Options items in the left to configure options for this field, including the field name, and whether it is a requirement field.
  9. Once you have added all of the fields that you need, click the Save button.
    Result: Your form is created.
  10. To display your form on your website:
    • Create a new page/post, or edit a previously existing page/post. Use the block editor to find the Formidable Forms Block type, and select the form you wish to display on the page.
    • Use the Formidable Forms shortcode. To find the shortcode, go to Formidable Forms > Forms. Click the name of the form that you want to display. In the Form Settings section, you will see the shortcode for your form.

Additional tips for Using Formidable Forms

  • You can use the Formidable Forms conditional logic to display or hide fields based on the user’s input. To learn more about conditional logic, go to Formidable Forms > Knowledgebase > Conditional Logic.
  • You can use the Formidable Forms actions to do something when a form is submitted. For example, you could send an email to the user, create a new post, or add a user to your WordPress database. To learn more about actions, go to Formidable Forms > Knowledgebase > Actions.

Formidable Form Example

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 11, 2024

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