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Zoom Meeting Recording

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Recording From Within a Meeting

Simply click the record button at the bottom of the Zoom window and select if you prefer to record in the cloud or locally.

We recommend saving any videos made in Zoom there, in the "Zoom Cloud". MIT's Zoom service has a legal agreement ensuring data privacy. You can then share a link to that video via Slack, email or other sites.

Scheduling a Meeting to Record

  1. Open the Zoom app.
  2. Authenticate, if prompted, via Touchstone Authentication
  3. Click Schedule.

  4. Expand the "Advanced Options"
  5. Select "Automatically Record Meeting" and if you prefer to record in the cloud or locally.

  6. Click Schedule
    Result: Your meeting is scheduled and will automatically record.

Where are my recordings?

Zoom Cloud Recordings

If you recorded the meeting in the cloud, you'll receive an email when the recording is ready. It will be here: (Touchstone Authentication Required). The email will also include a sharing link that you can distribute via Slack, email or other sites.

Local Recordings

Each meeting recording is saved on your local disk to its own folder named with the date, time, and meeting name. By default, these folders are located in Documents > Zoom on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

See Also

  • [archive:Zoom Landing Page - OLD]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 10, 2024

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