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Change Roomset's Annual Chemical Reporting Information

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On this page:

About the Change Window
Substance Information
Change Roomset's Displayed Substance Information
Add Substance to Roomset
Remove a Substance from a Roomset
Submit Final Annual Chemical Report

About the Change Window

This window allows chemical reporters to update a roomset's chemical substances inventory, including bulk fuel oil that MIT tracks for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act (EPCRA) and the Department of Homeland Security's Chemicals of Interest. For more information see
Click the Return to Chemical Reporting Roomsets button to exit this window and return to a list of your DLC's roomsets.
Click the Display Chemical Worksheet button to display a PDF, print-ready Chemical worksheet. Use this worksheet to manually collect a roomset's substance information before entering it into EHS.
Click the Copy Chemical Substances from Last Year button to copy quantities from the Last Year's Quantity field to the Quantity entries fields. You'll find this convenient if little has changed from the previous year. Caution! This action overwrites all values displayed in the Quantity entry fields - if you do this by mistake, do not save your changes and click Back to exit the window.

Substance Information

This window lists the substances stored within the roomset.
If a substance is stored in many rooms across the roomset, you can report the aggregate quantity into a single room or report quantities on a room by room basis. If in the same room, separate quantities are stored in different sized containers, you may report the aggregate for the room or report the different quantities separately.

Change Displayed Substance Information

You can only change a substance's Quantity or Unit of Measure. You cannot change a substance's Room#-Room Name. After you make your changes, click Save Changes.

Add Substance to Roomset

  1. Click the Add Substance button to open a row of entry fields.
  2. Select a Substance from the drop-down list.

    Fuel Oils: no submission is required if oil is stored in a container with a capacity of less than 55 gallons.

    Formaldehyde/Paraformaldehyde/Formalin: you must enter the Number of People in the roomset who work with Formaldehyde and provide a Procedure Description of the substance's handling. For example: We weigh out 4 gm of paraformaldehyde once a week and dilute it with 100 ml of deionized water in a fume hood. This takes about 15 minutes and we do it once per week.

    Methylene Chloride / Dichloromethane: you must enter the Number of People in the roomset who work with Methylene Chloride / Dichloromethane, indicate if the chemical is used for more than 30 days, and provide a Procedure Description of the substance's handling. For example: We store 5 gallons of MC in our lab. We use 0.5 liters of MC daily in our lab to make a mixture solution. The operation takes 1-2 hours and is entirely inside the fume hood. There is no bench work with dichloromethane.

  3. Enter the substances on-hand Quantity and select a Unit of measure.
    Report gasses in pounds. Refer to for more information.
  4. Use the drop-down list to select the Room # - Room Name that stores the substance.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to add more substances to the report.
    If you change your mind and do not want to add the substance, click the Remove Substance.
  6. Click the Save Changes button to save your work.

Remove a Substance from a Roomset

Newly Added Substances: Enter a zero ( 0 ) Quantity and click Save Changes - the system removes the newly added line.
Substances Reported on Last Year: You cannot remove a substance from the report if it carries a quantity from last year. To show the room no longer stores the substance, leave the Quantity field blank.

Submit Final Annual Chemical Report

Click Submit Final Chemical Report to save all changes and submit the annual chemical report to the EHS office. This action update's the roomset's Date of Last Submission field and sends an email to the roomset's EHS Coordinator informing them you have submitted the annual chemical report.
After you submit a report, the system does not freeze the report. You may make, save, and submit changes.

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

October 09, 2024

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