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Cost Object Detail for Quarter

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

This view shows a cost object‘s salary distribution detail for the specified quarter. Detail information is grouped by GL Account. Depending on your authorizations, you will see either distribution percentages or distribution percentages and dollars.
Return to Search Results button brings you to the Search window from which you opened the cost object.
Next Cost Object and Previous Cost Object buttons let you sequentially display other cost objects you retrieved in the search.
Go to Inbox button brings you to your Inbox list of cost objects awaiting certification.

View Monthly Detail

  1. Select the month from the drop down list.
  2. Click Go to display detail for the select month.

Certify a Cost Object

If a cost object has not been certified, the Certify or Certify by Proxy button (depending on your role) displays. So does the certification statement.

  1. Click the Certify or Certify by Proxy button to certify the cost object.
  2. Note the confirming message at the top of the window. Also note that the certify buttons and message are now gone from the window.

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Last Modified:

November 21, 2013

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