eDACCA Inbox
You can access Atlas at https://atlas.mit.edu/
The Inbox lists cost objects that are ready for you to certify. After you certify a cost object, it no longer appears in your Inbox (you can, however, use the search functions to find and view it).
Items Per Page lets you chose how many cost objects (20, 50, or 100) to display per page on your Inbox.
Page Numbers above the column headings let you choose which page to go to.
Sort Cost Objects by clicking on the column heading of the data you want to sort by. The initial sort is in ascending order (0-9, A-Z). Click a heading again if you want the sort in descending order (Z-A, 9-0).
Open a Cost Object to View and/or Certify it by clicking on its Cost Object number. The quarterly view of the cost object opens.
Search for Cost Objects by clicking Search Dacca.