How do I uninstall the Prisma Access VPN on MacOS?
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Some of the language in the uninstaller is confusing as it uses the same boilerplate language as the installer. Rest assured, it is actually uninstalling the application and associated files/settings.
- Download the installer for MacOS from the GlobalProtect Portal.
- Open the installer you just downloaded. It's called GlobalProtect.pkg. It is probably in your Downloads folder, if not use the spotlight search to find it.
- If you get an error about the installer not being from the App store or not from a developer identified by Apple, see GlobalProtect app can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store
Result: The Installer Opens
- Click Continue.
- Check the option "Uninstall GlobalProtect" and click Continue.
Result: You are asked to authenticate_._ While it says it is installing software, that is only to remove the GlobalProtect app and associated files/settings.
- Authenticate with your device's administrative privileges_._
Result: The GlobalProtect App is uninstalled. Yes, even though it says it was installed successfully. That's confusing boilerplate language from the installer. Your GlobalProtect app has been uninstalled. You will no longer see the globe iconin your menubar.
- Click Close