Content with label curl in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels:
restful, tool, developers, apis, dev, c-api, mobile, mit, develop, api, developer, rest, tools, api's, request, http
page: IS&T provides a number of web services for accessing enterprise data or integrating with our central systems. Application developers can integrate with or consume data from these systems using a standard protocol for doing so, instead of using a custom, applicationspecific ...
Other labels:
mit, apis, api, mobile, api's, rest, restful, dev
Using cURL to Interact with APIs
What is cURL? cURL is a commandline utility (on Linux or Mac OS X) for interacting with URLs. It is useful for requesting data from APIs, which can then be processed programmatically. It can be invoked like this: curl X REQUEST H 'HEADER:VALUE' URL ...
Other labels:
api, apis, api's, http, request, c-api