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Content with label network in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: rhn, groups, certificate, support, server, security, sorority, windows-11, ethernet, student, frat, static_ip, c-redhat-enterprise-linux, internet, apple, mobile, ip, 10, c-networking, more »

Page: "cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm" - Certificate or Kerberos ticket acquisitions
trying to obtain an MIT personal certificate or Kerberos tickets, I enter my username and hit OK or Submit, but I receive the following error: cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm Solution One cause of this error ...
Other labels: certificates, certificate, 1765328164, kerberos, identify, manager, ticket, tickets
Page: Access network drive while logged in to Citrix Workspace
Some departments, labs or centers may store BrioQuery reports (.bqy files) on a centralized server. Macintosh users who have connected to a server from their Mac can follow the steps below to access that server from their Citrix session. Solution ...
Other labels: c-citrix, departmental, citrix, receiver, drive
Page: Can I access the Internet from my dorm room?
Q: Answer Yes. Undergraduates and graduate students at MIT living in dormitories have access to MITnet through a network connection located in their dorm room. Each dorm room is equipped with a special phonejack (called a 5ESS jack), and these jacks have two ...
Other labels: c-dorm-networking, internet, dorm
Page: Can I use a hub, mini-hub, switch, or broadband home router to put multiple machines on MITnet?
Q: On this page: Answer No, the use of network distribution devices on MITnet is not allowed. These devices include hubs, repeaters, switches, and routers. While these devices might work just fine when used in a home office environment, they are not intended for use as part of a large ...
Other labels: c-getting-connected, rcc, hub, switch, router, hot, spot
Page: Can I use MIT MATLAB without a network connection?
Q: Answer You can use MIT MATLAB without a network connection. However, a network connection is still required for installation and activation. The activation and installation process will work with any highspeed Internet connection; it does not have to be MITnet. The VPN is no longer ...
Other labels: c-student-matlab, student, matlab
Page: Check the network settings for various HP printers
Answer Troubleshooting an HP printer often involves checking its network setup information, such as its TCP/IP address or its AppleTalk name and zone. To see what the printer thinks its network settings are, print the Test or Configuration ...
Other labels: printer, tcpip, tcp/ip, address, configuration, test_page, c-printing
Page: Connecting to the MIT SECURE Wireless Networks on an iOS Device
Please note that the steps below apply to iOS 14, iOS 15 and and iOS 16, along with  iPadOS 14 and iPadOS 15. If you are running any iOS version below iOS or iPadOS 13, IS&T can not guarantee that you ...
Other labels: iphone, wifi, secure, c-iphone, wireless, ipad, ios, c-ipad
Page: Connect to Network Drive on a Mac
While a Finder window is open or the desktop has been clicked, click on Go across the top of the screen, then Connect to Server…. !Screen Shot 20131031 at 7.34.47 PM.png width=400! # In the Server Address dialog, type: "smb://<YourNetworkAddress>" without the quotes ...
Other labels: c-network-drives, drive, mac, connect
Page: Create hostname with static ip address for FSILG network contacts
How to create a static IP address and hostname for use on wired networks or wireless networks in FSILGs. Solution # Login to Athena. Go to or use a Secure Shell client to login. (ssh on Mac OS X and SecureCRT on Windows) # Start ...
Other labels: fsilg, fraternity, sorority, independent, living, group, groups, fraternities
Page: Delete a hostname or static ip address for FSILG network contacts
FSILG network contacts do not have permissions to delete host records. The proper way to delete a hostname is to mark the status as deleted. It will eventually be purged from your network. Solution # Start moira: athena% /usr/athena/bin/moira (Note ...
Other labels: fsilg, fraternities, sororities, independent, living, groups, fraternity, sorority

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