Content with label graduation in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
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dissociating, stub, depart, license, terminating, termination, off-board, board, happens, epaystub, deactivated, data, quit, graduates, c-my-money, students, i, software, student,
c-misc, terminate, pay, quota, ew2, date, employees, leave, off, deactivating, goodbye, leaving, save, expired, graduate, absence, left, graduating, what, deactivate, separating, end, offboarding, to, mit, pharos, sabbatical, alumni, alum, resources, quitting, appointment, when, c-time_entry, paystub, print, email, fired, accounts-review, terminated, graduated, licensing, c-accounts, paystubs, withdrawal, faq-my-time, c-pharos, loa, services, offboard, backup
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Access denied error for time sheet entry - hourly position has closed or I have graduated or withdrawn as a student
Questions I am a student, and the hourly position that I have been working is showing up as closed. When I try to access the time sheet entry screen, I get an Access Denied error message. How can ...
Other labels:
c-time_entry, expired, faq-my-time
Leaving MIT - What happens to my MIT accounts and services?
page: Athena Account Typically, Athena accounts are deactivated in the January after you graduate or otherwise leave MIT. You will be contacted in early November and again in January via email to your MIT email address, prior to account deactivation. Although ...
Other labels:
graduate, graduating, left, leaving, leave, license, alum, alumni
What happens to my Pharos print quota when I graduate?
Q: Answer In order to use Pharos printing you must have both an active Kerberos account an MIT ID Card (which establishes a linkage between MITID number and kerberos username for the owner of a print job) While ...
Other labels:
pharos, print, quota, alum, alumni, student, graduate, c-pharos