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Content with label tecplot in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: mac, data, save, tec, work, mavericks, plot, c-tecplot

Page: How do I load data into Tecplot?
Tecplot can handle very complex input data. However, it needs to have a fairly strictly formatted input file. If you are going to be loading in more than a few variables, or want to create a complex plot, then you are strongly encouraged to read ...
Other labels: data, c-tecplot
Page: How do I save my work in Tecplot?
information comes from the Tecplot Manual, pages 94 and 95. Data and Styles are saved separately in Tecplot. The data is the plotted points, while the line style, view, and scaling of the plot are all part of the Style. Your data only needs saved ...
Other labels: save, work, c-tecplot
Page: Tecplot Landing Page
page: Overview Tecplot 360 EX is a visual data analysis tool that improves understanding of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) results and increases productivity with integrated XY, 2D, and 3D plotting. Tecplot is licensed to faculty, staff, and students for use on personal ...
Other labels: c-tecplot, tec, plot
Page: Tecplot won't launch on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
Q: why won't Tecplot launch on my Mac running OS X 10.9? Context User has a new or updated Mac running OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and is running XQuartz 2.7.5 Attempting to launch Tecplot results in an ...
Other labels: mac, mavericks, c-tecplot

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