Content with label develop in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
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planning, restful, pm, initiate, manage, projects, resource, managing, it, coaches, tool, use, case, information, requirements, dev, technology, mit, maintain,
resources, developer, tools, management, templates, release, c-pm, ist, maintenance, plan, pmm, project, deliver, template, developers, apis, c-api, deploy, mobile, test, api, rest, life, cycle, curl, api's, design
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page: IS&T provides a number of web services for accessing enterprise data or integrating with our central systems. Application developers can integrate with or consume data from these systems using a standard protocol for doing so, instead of using a custom, applicationspecific ...
Other labels:
mit, apis, curl, api, mobile, api's, rest, restful
IT Project Management Resources
Overview IS&T's Project Community of Practice has developed a set of templates and tools for IT project management for use by IS&T and the broader MIT Community. Who are the Project Community of Practice ...
Other labels:
it, project, management, pm, resources, templates, template, resource