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Disable Adobe Auto-Updates via DAT File
Disable the Adobe AutoUpdates via DAT File Adobe provides a mechanism to disable the builtin update engine by deploying a DAT file to a target machine with specific values. More information regarding this dat file er.html ...
Other labels:
sccm, adobe, management, c-sccm, creative, update, jamf, c-jamf
IS&T Automated Device Enrollment Program for Macs
Apple provides Automated Device Enrollment (ADE, formerly known as DEP) as a way of deploying instituteowned macOS or iOS devices. This process works by technicians providing the serial number of any device they would like enrolled into the ADE ...
Other labels:
casper, dep, imaging, mac, c-casper, management, jamf, c-jamf
Jamf Pro - Detecting Office versions on Macs using smart groups
Microsoft Office 2019 and 2021 applications use some of the version numbers, but it can be important to distinguish the version to scope your policies correctly. For example, you might want to find all your machines running 2019 so you can ...
Other labels:
casper, management, office, 2016, 2019, install, update, c-casper
Jamf Pro - EUC managed third-party patching
EUC team maintains packages and policies to update select thirdparty software to the latest supported version. The EUC team can manage patching for your site. Supported Software The following thirdparty programs are available for automated patching in Jamf Pro: Adobe ...
Other labels:
c-casper, c-jamf, patching, third, party, mac, macos, casper
Jamf Pro - Extension Attributes
Jamf Pro has many "extension attributes" which provide additional information to your computer inventory screen. Jamf Pro has several extension attributes IS&T has set up to help you better manage your Macintosh ...
Other labels:
casper, management, mac, jamf, jss, c-casper, pro, c-jamf
Jamf Pro - FileVault 2 Encryption
encrypt your Macs with FileVault 2 follow these steps. Note that all FV2 enabled accounts will now show up at the login screen which may cause some initial confusion for the end user. To encrypt: Log in to the JSS. Go to computers ...
Other labels:
c-casper, management, casper, filevault, jamf, pro, c-jamf
Jamf Pro - Installing and patching third-party software
Select thirdparty software updates are automatically downloaded, packaged, and added to Jamf Pro for easy deployment. These packages are found under the EPMApps category and are available for all departments to use. Supported Software The following thirdparty programs are available for automated patching in Jamf ...
Other labels:
c-jamf, patching, third, party, mac, macos, casper, jamf
Jamf Pro - Installing and updating Adobe Creative Cloud
article explains how to deploy the Adobe Creative Cloud apps and how to push Creative Cloud updates to client machines, and how to manage out of date licenses. Please note users will need an Adobe ID in order to use these applications ...
Other labels:
casper, adobe, management, creative, install, update, cloud, c-jamf
Jamf Pro - Installing and updating Microsoft Office
Office 2021, Office 2024, and O365 for Mac are all available for installation and updating via Jamf Pro. The default for DEPimaged machines is still 2021, but you are free to install or upgrade to 2024 with the instructions below. Licensing and versions for 2021, 2024, and O365 ...
Other labels:
casper, management, office, install, update, c-casper, jamf, pro
Jamf Pro - Installing and upgrading Crashplan (Formerly Code42)
latest supported version of CrashPlan is available for installation in Jamf Pro, and included by default on most DEPenrolled machines. In this article we'll explain how to identify machines with outdated versions, how to upgrade them, how to install the latest version on clean machines ...
Other labels:
jamf, casper, crashplan, c-casper, management, c-jamf