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Content with label jamf in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: c-laptop-loaner, restrict, macos, c-casper, cloud, support, app, ade, filevault, managed, program, ipad, pppc, c-jamf, remote, crashplan, c-mecm, spirion, security, more »

Page: Approving Kernel Extensions for macOS
Some apps like Sophos AV, VMware Fusion, and Dropbox are not functioning properly after upgrading macOS Certain applications need to install kernel extensions (KEXTs) in order to function properly. This will require explicitly allowing those extensions to be installed Grant ...
Other labels: managed, backup, pppc, configuration, profile, full, disk, access
Page: Disable Adobe Auto-Updates via DAT File
Disable the Adobe AutoUpdates via DAT File Adobe provides a mechanism to disable the builtin update engine by deploying a DAT file to a target machine with specific values. More information regarding this dat file er.html ...
Other labels: sccm, adobe, endpoint, management, c-sccm, creative, update, c-jamf
Page: Enable Full Disk Access for MacOS Applications (Including CrashPlan)
Some apps like Crashplan, Sophos Central, VMware Fusion, and Spirion are not functioning properly after installing them on macOS. Certain applications need access to the whole disk in order to function properly. This will require explicitly allowing the applications to access the full ...
Other labels: crashplan, managed, backup, pppc, configuration, profile, full, disk
Page: Endpoint Management - Remote Support Tools
Q: What remote support tools are available within Jamf Pro and MECM? Answer The following applications are already available in SelfService (Jamf) or the Software Center (MECM). Unless you've opted your computers out of the standard application deployments, you ...
Other labels: mecm, sccm, casper, remote, support
Page: IS&T Automated Device Enrollment Program for Macs
Apple provides Automated Device Enrollment (ADE, formerly known as DEP) as a way of deploying instituteowned macOS or iOS devices. This process works by technicians providing the serial number of any device they would like enrolled into the ADE ...
Other labels: casper, dep, imaging, mac, c-casper, endpoint, management, c-jamf
Page: Jamf - CrashPlan (formerly Code42) Backup not backing up all data
Q: Answer Proper backup of data using Code42 requires Full Disk Access for the app. This can be done in by manually enabling Full Disk Access How do I enable full disk access for CrashPlan (formerly Code42) on Mac ...
Other labels: code42, backup, pppc, full, disk, access
Page: Jamf Pro - Apple Software Updates
Jamf Pro can be used to update your operating system to the latest patch version for that OS. It will not upgrade to a newer OS such as from 10.12 to 10.13. If you would like to update the OS, please see the istcontrib:Jamf Pro Upgrading Macs ...
Other labels: casper, mac, macintosh, os, apple, software, updates, c-casper
Page: Jamf Pro - Detecting Office versions on Macs using smart groups
Microsoft Office 2019 and 2021 applications use some of the version numbers, but it can be important to distinguish the version to scope your policies correctly. For example, you might want to find all your machines running 2019 so you can ...
Other labels: casper, endpoint, management, office, 2016, 2019, install, update
Page: Jamf Pro - enrolling devices without DEP
Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP) is the preferred way to enroll Macs and iOS devices into Jamf Pro, and comes with many advantages. However, only devices bought through certain channels are eligible for DEP; if, for example, your department bought an ...
Other labels: c-jamf, casper, enrollment, dep, apple, configurator, ios, ipad
Page: Jamf Pro - EUC managed third-party patching
EUC team maintains packages and policies to update select thirdparty software to the latest supported version. The EUC team can manage patching for your site. Supported Software The following thirdparty programs are available for automated patching in Jamf Pro: Adobe ...
Other labels: c-casper, c-jamf, patching, third, party, mac, macos, casper

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