Content with label mit in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
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landing, certificate, imap, c-email, faq-my-profile, sapweb, c-rfp, locker, valid, c-nook, internet, c-touchstone, not, terminate, temporary, nook, apple, mobile, leave,
any, employee, e-mail, multicast, network, center, self, connect, changes, tablet, page, information, c-web-publishing, code, confluence, windows, setup, wi-fi, affiliate, c-mitlearningcenter, access, provider, connection, web, learning, reqiest, ios, next-gen-review, train, macos, mirror, identity, app, n9, gmail, barnes, wireless, termination, elearning, environment, c-mit-wikis, wiki, outlook, plug-in, vacation, secure, massachusetts, graduates, android, mitnet, chromecast, noble, theme, c-atlas_error_messages, c-wireless, thunderbird, deactivating, c-windows-10, save, exchange, wikis, touchstone, graduating, service, c-learningcenter, configure, training, vpn, affiliates, error, ehs, mac, appointment, c-iphone, email, guest, personal, inside, c-getting-connected, sap, wifi
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"Vendor number is not valid" error when trying to create an RFP
two common reasons for this error: If you are not an active student or active employee \\ For MIT Affiliates, see: archive:Request for Reimbursement for an MIT Affiliate If you are an active student \\ If you are an active student, and are receiving this error, one ...
Other labels:
c-rfp, faq-rfp, search, results, not, found, vendor, number
page: IS&T provides a number of web services for accessing enterprise data or integrating with our central systems. Application developers can integrate with or consume data from these systems using a standard protocol for doing so, instead of using a custom, applicationspecific ...
Other labels:
apis, curl, api, mobile, api's, rest, restful, dev
Campus Emergency Notification update - Safari quits
Problem Safari quits unexpectedly when accessing the Campus Emergency Notification update screen of Atlas Solution Upgrade to Safari 5.1.7 or higher
Other labels:
alert, personal, information, self, service, self-service, c-atlas_error_messages
Can I start training before I begin my work or studies at MIT?
Q: Answer If you have an MIT ID number, Kerberos ID, and MIT Web Certificates, you can access webbased training before you begin your work or study activities. Note that a wait period of up to 48 ...
Other labels:
c-ehs, ehs, environment, training, mit_id, kerberos_account, certificates, affiliate
Concur displays "Please log in" after successful Touchstone authentication
result failed.png alt="screen capture with login button"! Step One Does the page you are seeing display: Please log in. Thank you for using the MIT Online Booking and Expense Reporting System? Step Two: What URL are you ...
Other labels:
travel, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, thank, you, for, using, the
Connecting your Nook Tablet to the MIT SECURE wireless network
Users who have not changed their password since June 2010 will need to change their password prior to using the MIT SECURE network. Changing your password ensures that the password is synchronized with the authentication servers for the MIT SECURE network. You can change ...
Other labels:
nook, tablet, internet, wireless, wifi, secure, c-nook
How can I obtain an MIT ID card to release my print jobs?
Q: Answer IS&T issues ID cards to members of the MIT community. Students (including crossregistered students), faculty, staff, visiting scholars, postdocs, and alumni/ae can obtain a card at no charge. Contractors, temporary employees ...
Other labels:
pharos, asa, mitid, id, card, dlc, sponsor, voucher
How do I connect to MIT SECURE wireless?
Q: On this page: Overview The MIT SECURE wireless networks use the wireless protected access (WPA) protocol to encrypt all of your network traffic between your computer and the MIT wireless network controllers (in MIT server locations). Secure wireless ...
Other labels:
network, wireless, c-wireless, c-getting-connected, rcchowto, secure, wifi, connect
How do I put the MIT logo on my web page? (For use by MIT-related web pages only)
Q: Answer More information about this topic can be found on the MIT Graphic Identity web page
Other labels:
c-web-publishing, mit_logo, web_page, html, logo, web, page
How do I request that a plugin be installed for the MIT Wiki Service?
Q: Answer Confluence plugins need to be installed globally. We take the cautious approach to installing plugins, particularly those provided by thirdparties. However, we will do our best to evaluate and install plugins which are deemed safe, which will benefit ...
Other labels:
c-mit-wikis, wiki, wikis, reqiest, plugin, plug, in, confluence