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Related Labels: popups, dissociating, depart, website, laptop, off-board, popup, c-home-networking, c-macos-elcapitan, deactivated, filter, faq-my-training-error, mail, scrolling, internet, terminate, pay, turn, apple, more »

Page: Change mouse-scrolling behavior in OS X 10.12 (Siera) or later
Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and later, Apple changed the default scrolling behavior of humaninterface tracking devices (mice and trackpads). Scrolling now follows mouse and trackpad movements (scrolling down now tracks a document "up" much like ...
Other labels: mac, apple, mouse, scrolling, up, tracking, direction, turn
Page: I can't access websites off-campus (ie but I can access and other MIT sites.
Answer This can happen if you have specified the MIT DNS servers manually, but should be using DHCP. To correct this: # If you have not already done so, register for DHCP # Run the Network Configuration tool ...
Other labels: linux, red_hat, wireless, enterprise, dhcp, network, website, internet
Page: Leaving MIT - What happens to my MIT accounts and services?
page: Athena Account Typically, Athena accounts are deactivated in the January after you graduate or otherwise leave MIT. You will be contacted in early November and again in January via email to your MIT email address, prior to account deactivation. Although ...
Other labels: graduate, graduating, graduation, left, leaving, leave, license, alum
Page: Pop-up blocker MUST be turned OFF for web courses in the Learning Center
Option one: allow popups for an individual site Your web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari, may prompt you to allow popups for the specified website. Follow the prompts to allow popups only for the specified website. Alternatively ...
Other labels: c-lc-user-help, popups, popup, pop-up, pop-ups, elearning, ehs, training

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