Content with label registration in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels:
c-dropbox, c-theft-deterrent, wireless, server, faq-my-training-howto, laptop, everything, environment, crashplan, security, red_hat, ask, enterprise, always, dhcp, mac_address, key, number, faq-my-training,
campus, membership, r-content, wanted, canvas, but, c-dhcp, safety, c-networking, you, police, c-code42, page, tsm, to, nic, hardware, about, training, dropbox, ehs, mac, error, c-ehs, linux, email, afraid, we, know, list, toolkit, health, c-crashplan, serial, next-gen-review, c-getting-connected, address, c-canvas
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CrashPlan (formerly Code42) is asking me for a server address and registration key
MIT distributes a customized installer for Code42 which normally handles the details of connecting to MIT's server. However, there can be situations where the MIT customizations do not work: This can happen if you are installing onto a computer that already had a prior installation ...
Other labels:
c-crashplan, serial, number, key, server, address, crashplan, c-code42
Determine what training I need to take
Go to the My Profile tab of the MIT Learning Center and create EHS Profile 1. In Atlas, go to the Learning Center application and select the My Profile tab. 2. Select "Create EHS Profile" under MY EHS ACTIVITIES or "Update ...
Other labels:
c-ehs, ehs, training, environment, health, safety, faq-my-training, faq-my-training-howto
I registered for DHCP more than 15 minutes ago. Why are some web pages still sending me back to the registration page?
Q: Answer Web browsers sometimes caches web pages in this case, the registration page. # Open your browser preferences. # Clear your browser cache (both disk and memory) and your History. # Shut down your browser. # Restart your ...
Other labels:
linux, red_hat, enterprise, hardware, c-getting-connected, c-dhcp, dhcp, page
Laptop Tagging and Registration
STOP tag service is not being offered as the IS&T Service Desk in E17 IT is not currently staffed. On this page: This is a service to tag and register laptop computers and electronic devices. This loss prevention measure is a visible deterrent to theft. Take a look at the product page https ...
Other labels:
campus, police, security, laptop, c-theft-deterrent
MIT Dropbox accounts for someone who is not a student or employee
I tried to register for an MIT Dropbox for Business account and it gave me this error: "According to our records, you are not a current MIT student, faculty member, or staff member." Context MIT's license for Dropbox for Business grants Dropbox accounts ...
Other labels:
dropbox, error, c-dropbox
What's a MAC address and why do I need it?
Q: On this page: Answer A MAC (Media Access Control) address is the unique hardware address of a network device such as an Ethernet card or a Wireless card. At MIT, the MAC address is registered and used to 'certify' users that want to use DHCP or Wireless on their computers ...
Other labels:
mac_address, nic, dhcp, wireless, r-content, toolkit, c-networking, mac
What are the auto-created Moira lists for Canvas sites?
Context Canvas has a process that creates autopopulated Moira lists with membership data from MITSIS. These lists can be used as ACL (Access Control Lists) for resources and will be based on the course membership. You may use these lists as mailing lists to send ...
Other labels:
membership, email, list, canvas, c-canvas