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Related Labels: ehs, c-ehs, pop, c-lc-user-help, environmental, portal, up, bh-review, registration, student, faq-my-training-howto, faq-my-training, health, environment, sap, learner, training, enterprise, and

Page: Access the MIT Learning Center and EHS Training, Navigate and Complete Web-Based Trainings

Other labels: sap, portal, training, enterprise, c-lc-user-help, learner, student, ehs
Page: Determine what training I need to take
Go to the My Profile tab of the MIT Learning Center and create EHS Profile 1. In Atlas, go to the Learning Center application and select the My Profile tab. 2. Select "Create EHS Profile" under MY EHS ACTIVITIES or "Update ...
Other labels: c-ehs, ehs, training, registration, environment, health, faq-my-training, faq-my-training-howto

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