Content with label vpf_review in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
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object, vpf, married, screen, absence, c-atlas-selfservice, zhr_timesheet, withholding, faq-esds, are, fields, bh, of, exemptions, marital, account, for, matters, faq-my-money,
w4, c-dacca_and_edacca, c-time_entry, exempt, tax, cost, c-my-money, filing, single, attendance, number, money, c-timesheet_entry__approval_and_administration, c-sap, not, editable, objects, c-requisitioning, c-atlas-manage-money, c-esds, status, and
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Absence-Attendance drop-down on Time Sheet Entry screen, entering time for future weeks
Question I am trying to submit my time sheet, but I don't see the full list of attendance/absence options. Why is this happening? I am trying to enter my timesheet for a future week, but am finding that work is not available ...
Other labels:
c-timesheet_entry__approval_and_administration, attendance, absence
Access denied error for time sheet entry, employment position not yet entered in system
Question I am a student who recently began an employment position, and am getting an Access Denied error when I try to access the time sheet entry screen. The error message accurately shows my own ...
Other labels:
c-time_entry, zhr_timesheet
Access Denied error for time sheet entry, ZHRI TIMESHEET Overview
Question I am getting an Access Denied error when I try to access the time sheet entry screen. I can see my own username in the error message, and the transaction code is ZHRITIMESHEET. What does this mean ...
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Begin date is not in range error message when updating distribution in eSDS
Question I am trying to update distribution for an employee, and get an error message: Begin date is not in range. How do I resolve this? E:ZGRO: 999 Begin date is not in range Answer If the employee is on modified annual plan ...
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Change in eSDS distribution rules will impact eDACCA after next payroll run
change to a person's distribution rules (eSDS) doesn't immediately take effect in EDACCA. The EDACCA process is run after every payroll, weekly for weekly people and once a month for monthly people
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How can I modify the start or end date for a cost object?
Answer If the cost object is a WBS element, contact the OSP representative for your department, lab, or center. For a list of the OSP representatives, by department, see: For nonWBS elements, send mail to or contact the budget ...
Other labels:
c-requisitioning, bh, cost, object, account, number, objects, vpf
Submit Direct Deposit authorization or W4 by paper
Question Can I use a paper form to submit an authorization for Direct Deposit of my paycheck into my bank account? Can I use a paper form to submit my W4 tax witholding form? Answer Yes. These forms ...
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Tax withholding screen, fields for marital status and number of exemptions are not editable
Question On the Atlas Tax Withholding screen, to submit the W4 form, why am I unable to edit certain fields, such as marital status and/or number of exemptions? Answer The VPF HRPayroll Service Center will be able to answer questions about ...
Other labels:
w4, single, married, tax, withholding, screen, fields, for
Unable display information for a faculty or staff member in eSDS
Questions On the eSDS screen, when I enter the profit center, a particular faculty or staff member, who should be in that profit center, is not showing up. On the eSDS screen, when I enter the profit center, some of the faculty of staff members show ...
Other labels:
c-esds, faq-esds
Unable to see View Dollars button when distributing salary for hourly staff
Question In the Atlas eSDS application, when viewing salary distribution for exempt staff, I click on the ID number and see editable distribution text fields. There are three buttons: Save changes, Return or View dollars. When I ...
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