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Content with label absence in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: dissociating, stub, depart, license, terminating, termination, off-board, board, happens, deactivated, data, quit, graduates, i, software, c-misc, terminate, pay, vpf_review, more »

Page: Absence-Attendance drop-down on Time Sheet Entry screen, entering time for future weeks
Question I am trying to submit my time sheet, but I don't see the full list of attendance/absence options. Why is this happening? I am trying to enter my timesheet for a future week, but am finding that work is not available ...
Other labels: c-timesheet_entry__approval_and_administration, attendance, vpf_review
Page: Leaving MIT - What happens to my MIT accounts and services?
page: Athena Account Typically, Athena accounts are deactivated in the January after you graduate or otherwise leave MIT. You will be contacted in early November and again in January via email to your MIT email address, prior to account deactivation. Although ...
Other labels: graduate, graduating, graduation, left, leaving, leave, license, alum

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