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landing, forward, into, balance, delete, server, c-email, logon, cannot, mark, board, was, my, authorization, deactivated, chpobox, supported, faq-my-money, always,
rfc, root, student, home, mail, not, c-touchstone, terminate, pay, cross, mobile, c-anyconnect, can't, goodbye, you, another, osx, left, message, page, separating, offboarding, tsm, about, mailto, afraid, connection, accounts-review, licensing, issue, failed, in, withdrawal, loa, how, c-tsm, pop, stub, gmail, license, terminating, c-sapgui, command, forwarding, due, do, quit, split, bapi, pop3, instant, mapper, i, software, bh-review, money, next, subsystem, off, deactivating, log, save, exchange, graduation, avast, alum, quitting, vpn, requisition, error, when, email, we, anyconnect, get, unknown, sap, fallback, application, address, backup
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Can I delete a requisition?
Q: In B2P A requisition can be deleted: Only by the person who created it or by the On Behalf of person Only if the requisition is in Draft status. If the requisition is pending approval, the requester or On Behalf of person can withdraw the requisition and then delete it. In SAPweb Sort of. You can ...
Other labels:
c-requisitions, sap, delete, requisition, how, req
Email Forwarding Instructions
page: Overview You can send your MIT email to another account one of two ways. Forward \ sends your mail to another address you specify. Split \ sends mail to another address you specify and keeps a copy ...
Other labels:
exchange, email, forwarding, split, forward, mail, another, address
How can I forward my MIT email to another email address?
page: This only applies to incoming mail and Exchange calendaring invitations being received at your MIT email address. This procedure will not have any effect on local mail downloaded to your computer or mail already stored on the MIT mail servers. These instructions ...
Other labels:
exchange, email, forwarding, split, forward, mail, another, address
I see a question mark next to my TSM filespaces. What does that mean?
Q: Answer I'd like to see data stored under my TSM node. So I go to the View backup information link (off our TSM update form) at: On my data ...
Other labels:
question, mark, next, filesapce, in, tsm, c-tsm
Leaving MIT - What happens to my MIT accounts and services?
page: Athena Account Typically, Athena accounts are deactivated in the January after you graduate or otherwise leave MIT. You will be contacted in early November and again in January via email to your MIT email address, prior to account deactivation. Although ...
Other labels:
graduate, graduating, graduation, left, leaving, leave, license, alum
SAPgui login from off campus requires VPN connection
SAPgui access is limited to connections from MIT’s oncampus network and to connections from offcampus through use of MIT's virtual private network (VPN) service. Learn more about VPN Access via Atlas http ...
Other labels:
c-sapgui, root, completion, can't, get, into, sapgui, logon
Secured Connection Failed!
Error Message: sslerrorinappropiatefallbackalert If you have the AVAST antivirus software installed on your computer and receive the following messages: Secured Connection Failed! Cannot connect to serversslerrorinappropiatefallbackalert Open AVAST antivirus and go to Security > Web shield and click the stop button ...
Other labels:
secured, connection, failed, cannot, connect, server, ssl, fallback
Touchstone - Message was rejected due to issue instant expiration
Q: I got the following Touchstone error, what does it mean? MIT Touchstone Identity Provider Error The Touchstone Identity Provider encountered the following error while processing your request: Shibboleth SSO request does not meet security ...
Other labels:
c-touchstone, message, was, rejected, due, issue, instant, expiration
W4, Direct Deposit, ePaystubs errors before start date
Question I am a graduate student at the beginning of the semester, trying to access the Payroll Direct Deposit and Tax Withholding screens of Atlas. For the Direct Deposit screen, I get: The application failed due to an unknown error For the W4 screen, I ...
Other labels:
application, failed, due, an, unknown, error, grad, undergrad